From High-Pitched to Low-Toned: Tips on How to Get a Deep Voice at 13

deep voice deep voice at 13 Apr 18, 2023
Image of two young girls doing breathing exercises to deepen their voice representing how to get a deep voice at 13

As a 13-year-old, it is common to experience changes in your voice. Puberty can bring about a great deal of changes in your body, and one of those adjustments is the growing of your voice. While some may experience a deep voice naturally, others might require to deal with it. Having a deep voice can improve your confidence and help you stand out in a group. In this post, I will give you suggestions on just how to get a deep voice at 13.

Understanding the Science Behind Vocal Changes

Before we dive into suggestions on how to obtain a deep voice, it is important to understand the science behind vocal changes. During puberty, the larynx, also called the voice box, expands in size. This triggers the vocal cords to enlarge and extend, leading to a deeper voice. The growth of the larynx as well as vocal cords is affected by hormones, especially testosterone. Children tend to experience a deeper voice since they have greater degrees of testosterone compared to girls.

Factors Affecting the Development of a Deep Voice at 13

While testosterone is a significant factor in the growth of a deep voice, there are other factors that can influence the procedure. Genetics contribute to identifying the pitch of your voice. If your family members have deep voices, after that it is most likely that you will likewise have a deep voice. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can likewise affect the advancement of a deep voice. These routines can damage the vocal cords, making it hard for them to enlarge and lengthen.

Tips to Get a Deep Voice at 13

Since we have a much better understanding of the science behind vocal changes and also aspects that can affect the process, let's dive into some suggestions on how to get a deep voice at 13.

Vocal Exercises to Develop a Deep Voice

There are different vocal exercises that can help you develop a deep voice. One of the most efficient exercises is humming. To do this workout, start by taking a deep breath and then breathe out while humming. Make sure the humming noise originates from your breast as opposed to your throat. Repeat this workout for a few minutes each day. An additional exercise that can assist is the lip trill. This includes blowing air through pursed lips, developing a buzzing noise. This workout aids to loosen up the vocal cords and also develop a much deeper voice.

Lifestyle Changes to Help Develop a Deep Voice

In addition to vocal exercises, making certain lifestyle changes can also help you develop a deep voice. Among one of the most vital modifications is to remain hydrated. Consuming alcohol with plenty of water assists to keep the vocal cords hydrated, making it much easier for them to shake and create a much deeper audio. Staying clear of smoking and also excessive alcohol consumption is also crucial, as these routines can damage the vocal cords.

Foods to Eat and Avoid for a Deeper Voice

What you consume can likewise impact the growth of your voice. Foods that are high in protein, such as eggs, hen, as well as fish, can help to create a deep voice. These foods contain amino acids that are necessary for the growth and also advancement of the vocal cords. On the other hand, foods that are high in sugar as well as fat can have an adverse impact on your voice. Processed foods and also sweet drinks can create inflammation and also damages to the vocal cords.

When to Seek Professional Help

While vocal exercises and lifestyle changes can assist to establish a deep voice, there are instances where professional help may be needed. If you are experiencing problems speaking, pain or discomfort when talking, or discover any type of adjustments in your voice that do not vanish, it is essential to look for clinical interest. A physician or speech therapist can aid to detect any underlying concerns and also offer the needed treatment.


In conclusion, developing a deep voice at 13 is an all-natural procedure that can be affected by various variables. While some might experience a deep voice naturally, others may require to work on it. Vocal exercises, lifestyle changes, and also a healthy diet can all assist to establish a deep voice. It is essential to remain individual as well as not attempt to hurry the process. If you experience any issues or pain with your voice, seek professional help. With effort and time, you can develop a deep, confident voice that will be with you for life.


Q: Is it normal for a 13-year-old to want a deep voice?

A: Yes, it is normal for a 13-year-old to want a deeper voice, as this is a common desire during puberty.

Q: Is it safe for a 13-year-old to try to deepen their voice?

A: Yes, it is safe for a 13-year-old to try to deepen their voice, as long as they do so in a healthy and responsible way.

Q: How can a 13-year-old deepen their voice?

A: A 13-year-old can deepen their voice by practicing proper breathing techniques, speaking from their diaphragm, lowering their larynx, and doing vocal exercises. It is important to approach this process slowly and gradually, to avoid voice strain or injury.

Q: Are there any risks associated with deepening your voice at a young age?

A: While there are generally no serious risks associated with deepening your voice at a young age, some people may experience temporary voice strain or fatigue if they overexert their vocal cords during training. It is important to take breaks and allow your voice to rest if you experience any discomfort.

Q: Can I achieve a deeper voice by shouting or yelling?

A: No, shouting or yelling can actually damage your vocal cords and lead to voice strain or injury. It is important to practice healthy techniques for deepening your voice, such as proper breathing and vocal exercises, to achieve a deeper voice safely.

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